Saturday, November 15, 2008

No Title.

HELLO people! ;D

I work for my mum and get $$ AHA ! ;D

I have nothing to do sometimes so i took some pictures in my mum's office haha.

I bought this two books today ;)

Its cost me RM 40 haha.
And yesterday after dinner, went to a shop named 100 YEN lol. =)

I bought something there ;D

The shop is some kind of selling those japanese things hee.

Japanese Biscuit
Pink bottle and blue fail lol
This biscuit is cute. =)
Hee ;D
100 YEN shop XD
Mum's office part ;)

o.oNerdy ;p
Mum's officeThis is what my mum call me to do lol

Thats all for today,
Bye human being lol ;)
Sweetdream. =)

-Ke Jia-

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